I went to my midwife today and heard the baby's heartbeat and I just melted (and teared up a bit)! It's funny how I have heard it before with Bryce but it is so special with every pregnancy. I have been so sick this pregnancy, which was a surprise because I wasn't sick at all with Bryce. Some are saying that means I'm having a girl. When we were trying, I felt like it would be another boy, and then as soon as I was pregnant, I felt like it was a girl. Does that make it a double-negative and they cancel each other out...or am I having a girl because I think so now that I'm pregnant AND I'm sick? Who knows for another 10 weeks.
Well, according to http://www.babycenter.com/ (my favorite pregnancy website), my little one is the size of a grape this week. It's got all it's major body parts but still has a lot of developing and growing to do. Oh, and my due date is June 28. So both my children will be Cancers (as long as I go at least 39 weeks, but if I'm earlier she/he's a Gemini which is cool too!) I get along very well with Cancers. Let's just hope I don't have another red-head. I love Bryce's hair, but he's got quite the temper : )
So this is the longest blog-post yet. But I have to show a pic of my barely-showing belly. I can tell, a few others can tell, but the question is...can YOU tell? Not to give myself airs, but I normally have a flat tummy (and a smaller butt, too). It's a little bump for now, but I promise it will be bigger than last time!
Editorial on the pic: it was late and I didn't pay attention to the fact that I was wearing a green shirt against a green backdrop...maybe not the best idea for dramatic effect : )
You look so cute
Yeah!!!! I hope it is a girl so our girls can be friends...even though Bryce is in love Ginny a girl to play with would be fun. But don't get caught up in the girls make you sick boys don't thing, because I was kind of sick feeling, but not bad and I had a girl... you just never know.
Congrats on your little grape! That's very exciting. I hope the newest addtion to the Lineweaver family is as cute as his/her oldest brother. Bryce sure looks like a hansome little thing! Glad you found the way to our blog... Keep in touch.
Congrats! I'm so excited for you! I got sick with both my girls and boy...like michayle says, you never know. But it's still fun to guess :)
Congrats you guys! That is very exciting news!! : )
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